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Oolong tea health benefits: compared to other teas.

Oolong tea health benefits are several, but firstly a recap on what is oolong tea: oolong (wulong or black dragon) is a semi-oxidised form of tea which therefore lies between a green tea (unoxidised) and black tea (oxidised). It uses the same plant Camellia sinensis as these teas but originates from Taiwan where they are still known as Formosa oolongs and from China, particularly from Fujian Province. They have many styles from rolled (closed leaf) to open (open leaf) and across the spectrum from nearly black to nearly green. They tend to have more complexity than green teas and more aromatic and herbaceous qualities than black teas. They are drunk without milk but to do so is a pleasant experience as their tannin levels are low. Oolongs are a fascinating type of tea to explore and you are sure to find examples that you will love. The health benefits of oolong tea are summarised as follows:

Reduces risk of coronary heart disease

Overall cholesterol levels have been shown to fall. Patients consuming over 600 ml oolong tea daily have been shown to suffer less hardening and narrowing of arteries and less cell death in heart muscle.

Promotes weight loss

Oolong tea has been shown to increase metabolism of lipids thereby aiding weight loss and reducing or preventing fat build-up.

Lowers risk of cancer

This is due to tea’s high levels of antioxidants and their more pronounced levels in oolong teas than black teas.

Helps prevent diabetes

High sugar intake in the diet and the inability of increasing prevelence of insulin resistance means that many people are at risk of type 2 diabetes. Oolong tea helps reduce glucose levels in the blood.

Fight against infection.

Flavanoids are part of the antioxidant family of polyphenols. Quercetin is one compound in oolong teas that is particularly good at fighting bacteria and viruses.


Oolong teas help combat inflammation.

Helps brain function

EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), a catechin found within flavanols, aids information processing and functioning of the hippocampus so important for memory and learning. In so doing oolong tea, along with green teas, are the best at helping to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease (see chart above).

Maintains high bone density

This is especially important with women who have gone through the menopause.

Reduces incidents of Eczema

Oolong tea benefits include anti-allergenic properties which have been shown to reduce suffering from the conditions of eczema.

This page is a precis of an article published on Dr Axe.

See the oolong teas section of our Tea Store.