For The World's Greatest Teas

Tea facts

Tea facts: See our blog posts with interesting facts about tea.

Microplastics in tea bags

Microplastics in tea bags

A research study by the University of Barcelona has found that many teabags are leaching billions of microplastic particles into our cups. This concern was reported by the BBC as far back as 19th September 2019. These particles are most readily absorbed by the mucus-forming cells in the gut and can pass into our blood-stream, […]

Famous China Teas

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Famous China Teas: Tribute Teas presented to the Chinese emperors China is justly famous for its magnificent teas, whether these be black, green, oolong, yellow or white. In particular however are the Famous China Teas, which should be experienced by all lovers of China teas. Tribute teas, as they used to be known, were produced […]

Chinese Tea Growing Areas

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Chinese Tea Growing Areas: The best in China In this new Chinese year of the tiger now is a good time to better appreciate those Chinese tea growing areas responsible for producing some of their unique teas. Chinese tea growing areas are the principle means of classifying Chinese teas. Sometimes a legend is quoted such as […]

Loose Leaf Tea Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Loose leaf tea FAQs

Answers to questions you may be asking about tea! What is loose leaf tea? Loose leaf tea is tea leaves, whether blended, black, green or oolong, flavoured or herbal that is not contained in a bag. Conventionally this may be a paper bag such as a string tagged bag, or a mesh pyramid style infusion […]

Teas for Summer

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Teas for summer drinking: which are best? Have you realised that whilst tea is best drunk really hot it is also very cooling on a warm summer’s day? We would emphasise however that light-bodied teas tend to be more refreshing as they contain lower tannin levels. For the same reason, green, white and oolong teas […]

Caffeine in Tea

Black tea benefits

Caffeine in tea: by type and in other beverages Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine), also known as theine in tea,  is also present in coffee, cocoa and mate. It is a stimulant and diuretic. Caffeine promotes alertness and combats fatigue. In high quantities it can however give tise to jitteryness and irritability. It is thought that the compound […]

Iced Tea

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Iced Tea: How to make it. Iced tea is perfect on a hot day and is easy to make. It may be made hot, then cooled or be cold infused. The latter takes longer but cold infused tea better carries the lighter, fresher more floral flavours into your glass. This is especially important when making […]

New Tea Growing Areas of the World

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New Tea Growing Areas of the World: from lesser-known producers of good tea. Arunachal Pradesh, India Tea is famously grown in China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka, but what of all those new tea growing areas, especially in the Far East – are they any good? Essentially tea requires warmth, high humidity, high rainfall and acidic, […]

Oolong Tea – Answers to your Questions

China Oolong Teas

Oolong tea answers about these diverse and rewarding teas Oolong teas to will give you much interest and enjoyment. Here we supply oolong tea answers to questions you may have. Oolongs are still not widely known but deserve to be better appreciated. We hope you discover some great new teas. Q. What is oolong tea? A. […]

Tea Essentials

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Tea Essentials: What is essential and not essential for a good cup of tea? There is so much talk about tea and its culture that one almost loses sight of what is important if one is to have a good cup of tea. Here, by way of attempting to provide a practical guide, we contrast […]