For The World's Greatest Teas

Tea Clippers

Champion Of The Seas Clipper

Tea Clippers: Not beaten for speed until air-freight. In the 1850’s there was huge competition to build ever leaner and faster tea clippers to bring the harvest from China to Europe and north America. This was epitomised by the Champion of the Seas which in 1854 sailed 465 miles in one day – a feat […]

Iced Tea

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Iced Tea: How to make it. Iced tea is perfect on a hot day and is easy to make. It may be made hot, then cooled or be cold infused. The latter takes longer but cold infused tea better carries the lighter, fresher more floral flavours into your glass. This is especially important when making […]

Oolong Loose Teas

oolong loose teas

Oolong Loose Teas: complex semi-oxidized teas Oolong teas, or wulong as they were known, translates as Black Dragon and these teas account for around fourteen percent of Chinese tea production. Highly acclaimed in China, they are semi-fermented, in that the leaf is partially oxidised and therefore lye between green tea which is not oxidised and black […]

Darjeeling Tea History

Darjeeling Second Flush teas

Darjeeling Tea History: from 1859 The name Darjeeling (Dorje ling) is derived from the Tibetan name, \’Land of the Thunderbolt\’ due to its close proximity to the peaks of Kachenjunga. From around Darjeeling comes one of the most famous teas in the world, celebrated for its muscatel character which makes it highly sought-after as an afternoon […]

New Tea Growing Areas of the World

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New Tea Growing Areas of the World: from lesser-known producers of good tea. Arunachal Pradesh, India Tea is famously grown in China, Japan, India and Sri Lanka, but what of all those new tea growing areas, especially in the Far East – are they any good? Essentially tea requires warmth, high humidity, high rainfall and acidic, […]

Oolong Tea – Answers to your Questions

China Oolong Teas

Oolong tea answers about these diverse and rewarding teas Oolong teas to will give you much interest and enjoyment. Here we supply oolong tea answers to questions you may have. Oolongs are still not widely known but deserve to be better appreciated. We hope you discover some great new teas. Q. What is oolong tea? A. […]

What is Oolong Tea?

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Oolong or Wu-long means Black Dragon tea in Mandarin It has been said that it refers to the shape of oolong teas which resemble the silhouette of the mystical Chinese Dragon. They are mainly manufactured in China and Taiwan. The latter is known as Formosa in tea terminology. Those teas are generally referred to as […]

Russian Caravan: the origins of a great tea blend

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Russian Caravan: a long-established and popular, aromatic blended tea Nizhny Novgorod, today a UNESCO heritage site Russian Caravan tea is traditionally prepared in a samovar and it became a national drink for all sections of Russian society. There was considerable demand for this tea which was imported by land from China. It was frequently served […]

The Best Loose Leaf Teas


What are the best loose leaf teas? Da Hong Pao oolong. One of China’s famous Teas. Are you on a mission to discover the world’s best loose leaf teas? These teas are generally from countries famous for tea. We all know of India and China but there is Japan too and many tea producing countries […]

Tea and Food Pairing

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Tea and Food Pairing: which tea to pair with your food? In many societies, particularly in Asia, tea is consumed with meals and a wide variety of food whereas in Britain we tend to limit our culinary horizons, as far as tea is concerned, to scones, hot buttered toast and crumpets and all manner of cakes, pastries, […]