For The World's Greatest Teas

tea history

Indian Teas: an Insight

Indian teas

Tea is very much central to India’s life. Indian teas are often consumed as chai and over history wild tea has been consumed by indigenous people in Assam both as a food and a drink. Today, tea is India’s second biggest employer. with over two million people, and it is responsible for one quarter of […]

Tea Chests

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18th Century Tea Chests: for a valuable new commodity Tea first exported from China to England in was extremely expensive and was stored in ceramic Chinese caddies, frequently blue and white. Soon tea chests were made in which to keep these tea caddies under lock and key and to be placed in the drawing room. […]

Darjeeling Tea History

Darjeeling Second Flush teas

Darjeeling Tea History: from 1859 The name Darjeeling (Dorje ling) is derived from the Tibetan name, \’Land of the Thunderbolt\’ due to its close proximity to the peaks of Kachenjunga. From around Darjeeling comes one of the most famous teas in the world, celebrated for its muscatel character which makes it highly sought-after as an afternoon […]

Russian Caravan: the origins of a great tea blend

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Russian Caravan: a long-established and popular, aromatic blended tea Nizhny Novgorod, today a UNESCO heritage site Russian Caravan tea is traditionally prepared in a samovar and it became a national drink for all sections of Russian society. There was considerable demand for this tea which was imported by land from China. It was frequently served […]