For The World's Greatest Teas

English Tea Blends

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English Tea Blends: Explore their diversity English tea blends make up the majority of teas we consume in the United Kingdom. Even with all the speciality loose teas that are now increasingly popular. However, not all English blended teas are blended in England. English Tea blends each have notable characteristics derived from their constituent teas. […]

Traditional Flavoured Teas

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Traditional flavoured teas: black, green and oolong teas using natural flavours. The bergamot fruit, used in Earl Grey tea. The delicate nature of tea means that it easily absorbs other flavours introduced to it. Many traditional flavoured teas have a long history, others are more recent innovations. Many long-standing flavours are achieved by the introduction […]

Why Drink Green Tea?

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Why Drink Green Tea? Anyone with an interest in tea will have heard an awful lot about why to drink green tea over the past few years. This is not just because green tea does your health a favour but enjoying it introduces you to a whole new tea drinking pleasure. The tastes vary from […]

Drinking tea

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Drinking Tea Poll? What people do whilst drinking tea? Our poll simply asked what you most commonly do when drinking tea. Images come to mind such as reading, having something to eat, reading or spending some time with friends. So what were the results? The most common activity (38% respondents) was browsing the internet. Perhaps this […]

Breakfast Tea – what is the best?

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Breakfast tea: is this the best tea for the morning? So often we think of tea as an afternoon beverage but increasingly people are discovering that it is preferable to coffee early in the morning and especially at breakfast. This is possibly because it is more thirst quenching when we feel somewhat dehydrated after a night’s […]

Guide to Good Tea

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Guide to Good Tea: by numbers. 1. The Benefits of Loose Tea Using loose teas is the best way to make a cup of tea. With loose tea you can appreciate the full, balanced flavour of the tea. Here we explain why. Loose tea makes the best tea. That’s a bold statement you say. Why? […]

China Keemun Black Teas – an introduction.

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Keemun, from Qimen county in Anhui Province, is one of China’s ten famous teas. Previously known as Tribute Teas, keemun was Britain’s favourite tea in the nineteenth century. These black teas are known as the ‘Burgundy of teas’ for their winey character, floral notes and orchid aroma. They were first produced in the 1870s using […]

Green Tea Health Benefits


Green Tea Health Benefits: Drink Your Way to Good Health Green tea has long been touted as one of the healthiest beverages around, but what are the green tea health benefits? Read on to find out. Green tea comes from the same shrub as normal, black tea but goes through a different oxidation and processing regime. It’s the […]

Saffron Infusion

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Saffron infusion: a distinguished history Saffron has a history stretching back to at least the 7th century BC. It is grown in the Middle East and has been traded along the Silk Road, between East and West, for Indian ivory, Chinese silk and Arabian frankincense. Saffron is famed for its value, widely acknowledged to be […]

Tea and Cake

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Tea and Cake: what’s best with your tea? Discovering the UK’s Favourite Tea-Time Treats Tea and cake is irresistible. Up to 84% of the British population drinks tea and herbal infusions every day, amounting to approximately 60.2 billion cups being consumed every year. According to the United Kingdom Tea and Infusions Association, tea consumption forms […]