For The World's Greatest Teas


The Grey’s Teas blog articles fall into various categories: teas defined, tea facts, understanding teas, tea history, tea culture, and health benefits of tea. We hope that you find these posts informative.

Contact us if there are any additional topics that you wish us to cover.

What is English Tea?

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English Tea: some definitions. English tea is an ambiguous term. It has gained many quite different meanings over England\’s long association with tea. Here we try to provide you with some definitions. Only a few acres are under cultivation in England for growing tea and this is largely for novelty value as the climate in terms […]

English Breakfast Tea

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Is English Breakfast tea the best breakfast tea in the world? Breakfast blend is such an important tea that every tea merchant offers it. However, many offer specifically an English Breakfast Tea. What makes this blend so special and how does it differ from Irish Breakfast, Scottish Breakfast, and indeed, what other single-origin teas could […]

The Flavour of Herbal Teas

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The flavour of herbal teas: appreciating the taste Herbal teas are more accurately described as herbal infusions or tisanes in that they are not based on the tea plant, Camellia sinsensis. Rich in antioxidants, there are a huge variety of them, many long acknowledged for their health benefits. Many also have a very attractive flavour. […]

What are the Benefits of Loose Tea?

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What are the Benefits of Loose Tea? Loose tea makes the best tea. That’s a bold statement you say. Why? Well, I’ll tell you why. Loose tea is larger leaf and, if you choose large leaf teas, they are even better than standard loose leaf teas. The reason is this: large leaf teas have a larger […]

Teas for Summer

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Teas for summer drinking: which are best? Have you realised that whilst tea is best drunk really hot it is also very cooling on a warm summer’s day? We would emphasise however that light-bodied teas tend to be more refreshing as they contain lower tannin levels. For the same reason, green, white and oolong teas […]

What is Black Tea?

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What is black tea – the tea that we drink most of the time? In the 17 century in England, tea was imported from China by sea. As the leaves were stored below the water line, the atmosphere was humid, black and warm. After several months of travel, the tea leaves had fermented and became […]

Herbal teas and their health benefits.

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Herbal teas and their health benefits: their qualities listed. Why drink Herbal teas? Despite the enormous variety of black, green, oolong and white teas available from many celebrated tea growing areas, the long acknowledged health benefits of herbal teas have become more widely appreciated. Many of these have distinctive and attractive tastes and aromas which […]

Lapsang Souchong Tea

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Lapsang Souchong Tea: love or hate like Marmite? We conducted an online poll on the thorny issue of Lapsang Souchong tea, thinking that it was analogous to Marmite in that we considered that people either love it or hate it. In fact we thought the parallel was so close we gave people four choices. Amazingly […]

Where poll results got it wrong!

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Of course, your poll results must have been correct! We have long run a tea poll on various tea-related issues. These polls are sometimes run with the intention of better understanding the needs of loose leaf tea enthusiasts and those who enjoy single-origin teas. Sometimes we just want to offer a bit of entertainment once […]

What is Yellow Tea?

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Yellow teas can be compared with green teas and white teas. Yellow tea is little known because little is now made as its production is expensive. It is worth the trouble and expense however as ‘spring tea’ as it is known, is indeed fresh and aromatic. The name is taken from the appearance of the […]