For The World's Greatest Teas

Lapsang Souchong Tea

Lapsang Souchong Tea: love or hate like Marmite?

We conducted an online poll on the thorny issue of Lapsang Souchong tea, thinking that it was analogous to Marmite in that we considered that people either love it or hate it. In fact we thought the parallel was so close we gave people four choices.

Amazingly all liked Lapsang Souchong; but then this is a tea website afterall. Of these, 50% liked Marmite and 50% disliked it so maybe that was to be expected. Similarly, you may have a strong like or dislike of Marmite but you may be reading this and asking yourself ‘but what is Lapsang Souchong?’

It is a black tea from Fujian Province, China that is smoked over a pinewood fire so that it has a distinct smoky, tarry flavour and aroma. The leaves are quite large, being more mature, and very black. It is a tea best drunk without milk.

This tea does have a strong following. Some people like our very smoky Falcon. Others prefer the less strong Osprey. Taiwan (Formosa of old) is the home of aromatic Oolong teas which are half-way between a black and a green tea. They now produce a Formosa Lapsang which we offer. It has a somewhat more complex character that is most attractive.

So, if you like both, would Marmite actually go with Lapsang Souchong? I would say, definitely yes, especially Marmite on hot toast with a lovely hot pot of steaming smoky lapsang. I am not afraid to admit – I am a fan of both! Furthermore, lapsangs are lovely as a really refreshing tea on a hot day, especially if drunk without milk.

See the Lapsang Souchong section of our Tea Store.